Who We Are
The Significant Others (SOs) of the American Bandmasters Association are the significant others of ABA members.
Mission Statement and Goals
ABA Significant Others Committee Mission Statement
The mission of the Significant Others (SO) Committee is to provide communication, collaboration, and support to the SOs of the ABA members. The committee also assists the SO of the President of the ABA in the successful implementation of the annual convention.
ABA Significant Others Committee Goals
(1) Assist the ABA President’s SO with the implementation of the annual convention.
(2) Increase social interactions during and between conventions which may aid in the development of life-long friendships.
(3) Improve the SO experience at the convention.
(4) Provide support to the ABA member’s SOs.

Welcome Message from current First Lady, Teresa Francis:
Dear SOs:
Bobby and I are looking forward to the 2025 convention February 26-March 2 in charming Chattanooga, Tennessee. Make sure to mark your calendar and note the earlier date for this convention. Host Randall Coleman is joined by convention committee members Roy and June Holder and David and Cheryl Gregory in planning a fun and exciting convention. If you have never experienced Chattanooga then you are in for a treat! We look forward to seeing long-time friends there as well as making many new ones.
Contact Us: abasignificantothers@gmail.com (ABA Significant Others)
Facebook page: ABA Significant Others
Teresa Francis: 817.480.8546
Valerie Taylor: 512.569.5057
Leadership and Subcommittees
SO Biographies & Directory
The ABA SO Committee is in the process of gathering and updating our member’s biographical information. We invite you to answer as many of the questions as you want, even if you completed a biography years ago. At a minimum, please provide basic contact information so we can communicate information relevant to all SOs. Please click on the above link and let’s start getting to know each other better.
2025 Chattanooga Convention Information
Other pages will be active soon:
Tribute to Founder of the Significant Others, Ann Bloomquist
Convention Highlights and Pics
Recent Comments