The Chair of the Nominating Committee is the Immediate Past Chair of the Board of Directors. This person acts as chair of any sub-committee of the Membership Committee if such a committee is activated, and they participate in Board Meetings as the senior member of the Board.
Responsibilities of the Chair of the Nominating Committee
Before January 1 in the year of each annual meeting of the ABA, the Secretary-Treasurer will send the Nominating Committee the names of the three Board members to be replaced at the next election, as well as the names of the three Board members with another year to serve on the Board.
The criteria for officers in ABA should be given as follows:
- Qualities of strong leadership
- An exemplary national and international reputation High standing in our profession
- Service to ABA
- An excellent record of attendance
The initial meeting of the Nominating Committee shall occur on the Wednesday before the first day of each convention with not less than 60 minutes allowed for this meeting. In the event that another nominating committee meeting should be required, a second meeting of not less than 30 minutes should be scheduled for the morning of the final day of the convention.
Acting with the Convention Host, the President will assure a meeting room of sufficient size, confidentiality and proper working conditions (similar to the area and facilities of the Membership Committee) for the scheduled meeting(s) of the Nominating Committee. The location of this room (or these rooms) shall be a part of the convention schedule of events.
Nominating Committee Procedures
The Chair of the Nominating Committee presides for all matters of the Nominating Committee and will provide pencils and prepare sufficient ballots of uniform size for at least four ballots. The meeting will begin with a review of the offices open for election and the names of those Board members who are to be replaced. The next order of business will be to submit a list of names for possible candidates available for the offices of:
- Vice-President
- Board of Directors
The Chair will accept a motion for ceasing nominations when the Past Presidents feel that a sufficient number of names has been submitted.
Voting begins with the office of Vice President followed by the Members of the Board. Each Member of the Committee, except the Chair, will vote for one candidate. The Chair only votes when a tie needs to be broken.
The ballots will be by secret written vote and will be collected and counted by the two tellers with the Chair announcing the results of the first ballot.
All candidates receiving one or fewer votes will be eliminated and a second vote shall be taken on the remaining candidates.
The two nominees with the most votes (or even three or four, if there should be ties) will be announced and a third and final ballot will be taken to result in a final nominee. In the case of a final tie vote, the Chair shall cast the deciding ballot. A simple majority of those present will determine the nominee.
In the event the Vice President nominee is the Secretary-Treasurer, the next order of business shall be to nominate a Secretary-Treasurer in the same manner as items above.
In the event that the Vice President nominee is a returning member of the Board of Directors, the first nomination for the Board of Directors shall be for a Member to serve a one-year interim term.
Each nomination to the Board of Directors shall be handled separately:
- A one-year term on the Board (if needed),
- Followed by a two-year term on the Board, followed by
- A second two-year term on the Board.
- A secret ballot will be cast for one nominee, and the same procedures as above will be followed.
- A final vote will be conducted for the office of Secretary-Treasurer.
When all nominees have been chosen, the Chair will call for volunteers to present each nominee at the time of the Election of Officers at the final business meeting. These shall include in this order:
- for President (an introduction, not a nomination)
- for President-Elect (nomination and vote)
- for Secretary-Treasurer (nomination and vote)
- for Board of Directors (each separate) (nomination and vote)
- for Vice-President (nomination and vote)
It is the responsibility of the Chair of the Nominating Committee to make the names of the nominators known to the President prior to the Election of Officers and to discreetly determine that nominees for all offices will be present for the final business meeting.
In the event of additional or new business to come before the Nominating Committee, the Chair will announce the time and place of the second meeting.
The Chair will thank the Nominating Committee and declare the meetings adjourned when all business has been completed.
Guide for the Nomination of Honorary Life Members, Honorary Life Presidents, Honorary Associate Members, Honorary Life Associates
Only the Nominating Committee may nominate the Honorary Life, Honorary Life President, Honorary Associate, and Honorary Life Associate Members.
There is no specified number of the above honorary members that may be nominated and elected in a given year. Names of Associates and non-Past Presidents will be placed in consideration and voting will take place at the Nominating Committee meeting. (This does not prohibit advance proposals, mailing, etc.). This will be done after the selection of nominees for the various offices and Board of Directors. Nomination is by a three-fourths majority vote of the Nominating Committee. Election may be by acclamation or a three-fourths majority vote of the Members.
In the event that a member of the Nominating Committee wishes to place the name of a Past President in consideration for the nomination of Honorary Life Member, it is to be done by letter to the Chair of the Nominating Committee by January 14.
The Chair of the Nominating Committee will then send ballots to the members of the Nominating Committee by February 1, with the exception of those being considered for nomination. The deadline for returned ballots to the Chair will be one week before the start of the annual convention.
Nomination of a Past President for Honorary Life Member is by a three-fourths majority of the votes returned to the Chair of the Nominating Committee. Election may be by acclamation or three-fourths majority vote of the Members.
Only Past Presidents are eligible for Honorary Life President.
The procedure for placing names in nomination for Honorary Life President and voting will be the same as for other honorary members above.
In the case of more than one nominee for Honorary Life President, one votes their preference.
A three-fourths majority will elect one or more nominees.
Ballots are not be signed by the voting member. The Chair will record the tally and it is to be verified by the immediate Past-President at the convention. At the conclusion of the meeting, all ballot materials are to be collected and destroyed by the Chair.
See Constitution Article III-1 and Article IV.
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